Friday, July 17, 2009

Rep. Armes, Shannon, Schwartz speak at GPRW

A group of some 20 ladies and gentleman were on hand at the Great Plains Republican Women meeting to welcome special guest speakers: Rep. Don Armes, Rep. TW Shannon and special guest, Rep Colby Schwartz, Majority Whip and candidate for Governor 2010.Also in attendance, State Party Chair Gary Jones and wife Mary.
Timely comments from all speakers touched on issues important to Oklahomans and issues that will be front and center next Legislative session.
A lively Q & A followed.
Next GPRW meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 20, 11:30am,
'The Event' in Lawton. (contact info under 'calendar' at right).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Oklahomas Coburn addresses Sotomayor

“Judge Sotomayor, you must prove to the Senate that you will adhere to the proper role of a judge.”

~ OK Senator Tom Coburn, during Mondays confirmation hearing.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Happy Birthday America ~ God Bless America!
1776 ~ 2009

The Crown on the Statue of Liberty opens TODAY for the first time since the September 11 attacks on the US.