Monday, June 6, 2011

'Off ' Years can be Productive......

'Off election' years - such as 2011 - are a good time for county parties across the state(s) to assess their organization, their plans, their mission for the election year in 2012. All elections are important, but 2012 will be especially important as the Nation will choose a new President and political interest - for most - is at the peak in Presidential years.

Favorability and confidence for the current President is at an historic low. Conditions in our country are at an all time low in most areas: economy/jobs; education; healthcare, taxes, individual freedoms, etc. All these factors will have a profound effect on the out come of elections in 2012. It is crucial we start at the local 'grass-roots' level (County Party) to prepare for this election year.

With-in our state, we need to work to return good people to Congress and the State Legislature.
Those who are working at both levels of government for individual rights; smaller, more efficient government; getting the government off our backs and out of our pockets; Obama care repealed and EPA shut down; regulations that are quashing small businesses....removed!

As a voter and before you vote, read, listen, be informed on these and all issues and where a given candidate stands on said issues. If an incumbent is seeking re-election, check his/her voting record. Voters hold the key to good government in their hands.

The county party - YOU - need to encourage fellow Republicans to become involved and work with YOU! Step up to the plate, roll up your sleeves, and work to build the party so it will have a 'work force' when the candidates begin their campaigns. People who will work when the time comes, to open the local campaign office and 'get-out-the-VOTE'. 'We' must be prepared!

'We' need to get people registered to vote, friends, family, neighbors, co-workers - forms are available at the courthouse; get those who are registered to attend meetings and other events; become acquainted with fellow Republicans and learn the way the county party functions; start looking for candidates to run for office - now or in future; look at issues in our state that need to be addressed - there is a plethora of news sources available; recruit and then work for candidates willing to tackle the hard issues; so much work that needs to be and can be done, in these off years. 'We' must be prepared!

What has been mentioned is the tip of the iceberg. There is no magical 'local county party'. The county party is slow 'off years' and fast election years! The county party can be no more effective than the time, effort, and monetary means the local Republicans (YOU) are willing to provide.

The county party can be a very effective tool in educating voters on issues of the day and getting good, conservative, Republicans elected to office, BUT.... 'We' must be prepared! The CCRP encourages YOU to be a part of this great effort.

Next CCRP Meeting, 6:30pm, Thursday June 16 - Worley Center (bldg 300), Great Plains Tech School.

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